BK287/5LK2900 - Aramid Cord Dry Wrapped V Belt

- 5LK2900-5LK Section Kevlar V belt
- Belt 5LK 5/8 x 25in OC (BK287)
- Production range: 220-7880. Top width: 5/8in, Depth: 7/16in.Outside length in inches. Example; 5LK250=25 inches
Payment options are as follows for purchases you make from our site:

Payment by Paypal
You can pay safely with Paypal
Company Address:
13216 SW 45th Lane , MIAMI FL 33175 - USA
Warehouse Address:
3465 Lost Nation Rd. Unit 15, Willoughby, OH 44094 - USA
VARIBELT INC. is available to help you with your v-belt needs. To place an order, get a price or quantity check, request a catalog, or to have a v-belt technical question answered, please use the following contact numbers and address: PLEASE CALL BELOW NUMBERS ASK FOR VARIBELT*VX® and AGROBELT Branded belts |
Toll Free:
1-800-989-0162 (U.S. Only) |
440-946-6148 |
Local Phone:
239-821-5289 and/or 440-946-9367
info@agrobeltstore.com | ||
varibelt@gmail.com | ||
info@powerdrivestore.com | ||
sales@powerdrive-belt.com | ||
If you'd like to visit our warehouse for assistance, or would like to purchase a belt, we are located just south of Route 2 at the Lost Nation Road exit, 1st street on the east of side of Lost Nation Road before the light at the bridge. Monday thru Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm EST |
Email Addresses:
Whatsapp: +1-305-775-1568 (only whatsapp text please)